
Saturday, March 28, 2015

fitness: How HIP are You? (Part 2)

Happy Saturday!  Here are the intermediate and advanced levels for "the HIP workout," which was posted a few weeks ago in the Part 1.1 entry.  Levels 2 & 3 take the hip exercises from the first level and combine them with either stabilizing movements to put your core into overdrive or combination exercises (e.g. pairing bridge with hip flexion to the front).  Enjoy and take some time this weekend to sweat!  If you don't have time for the entire workout, just try one or two of the exercises or add them into your already established workout!

workout, fitness, exercise, mat workout, swiss ball

the "HIP" workout

5 min warm-up: jog in place, jumping jacks, jump rope, bike, whatever you want

Level 2 exercises are 10 reps X 1 set
Level 3 exercises are 15 reps X 2 sets

1) Bridges 
Two versions using either one large Swiss exercise ball or two small balls to stabilize

2) Bent Hip Extensions (right and left)
One small ball is used to activate the hamstrings while also working the glutes (a free weight could also be used in the same way)

3) Fire Hydrants (right and left)
Same use of the small ball (or weight)

4) Side Plank Raises (right and left)
Not the easiest upgrade to this exercise, but a serious workout as your entire body must stabilize to balance

5) Hip Hikes (right and left)
In this version, I am standing on a huge textbook (my husband's very sizable physical chemistry book) to increase the range of motion in the exercise.  A step could also be used.

6) Straight Leg Raises (4 Directions)
a) Flex Front (right and left)
Combination exercise pairing the front hip flexion with a bridge

b) Abduction Side (right and left)
Another combination exercise using the side abduction with a side plank- intense!

c) Adduction Side (right and left)
While keeping the top leg up the whole time, bring the bottom leg to meet it (for some reason, the most hilarious looking pose)

d) Extension Back (right and left)
Maintaining plank while also performing an extension to the back

And what kind of trainer would I be if I didn't remind you to stretch afterwards?  

Take time to S T R E T C H. :)

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